
PANhandler from /dev/null

Little update

Hi all! Sorry for this whole silence, but I’ve been quite busy lately. I was learning for CEHv8. I had few hard times but eventually everything paid off and I passed the exam! For these who currently are learning for CEH, keep it going! Read as much as you can. Find some example questions and go through them few times. When doing exam…read answers first, divide them in groups and then read the question.

The other thing that kept me busy (and still keeps) is moving to Sydney. I’ll stay here for a while so if you or your company are looking for pentester or java developer you can give me a call :)

That’s all for today…I hope that soon I’ll have some time to do some hacking (the box) and writing another walkthrough. There’s also a nice disclosure waiting in the line. Dunno how long it will have to wait but I can tell you that it’s gonna be LEGEN…

Written on September 25, 2014